Lviv, Wrocław, Katowice, Kraków, Tarnów
Польський випускний: Краків, Вроцлав, Варшава + Енерджіландія, Африкаріум і аквапарк Poland Kraków, Wrocław, Warsaw
- On 5 days
- Night transfers: 1
- Start 30.05
- Price for 1 tourists
Польськими містами – Краків, Вроцлав, Варшава + Енерджіландія, Африкаріум і аквапарк Poland Kraków, Wrocław, Warsaw
- On 5 days
- Night transfers: 1
- Start 14.02
- Price for 1 tourists
Слідами таємниць і легенд: Вроцлав-Берлін-Дрезден Poland, Germany Wrocław, Berlin, Dresden, Meissen
- On 4 days
- Night transfers: 1
- Start 07.02
- Price for 1 tourists
Lviv, Przemyśl, Jarosław, Tarnów, Kraków, Katowice, Wrocław, Berlin
Селфі в Парижі + Берлін та Прага! Poland, Germany, France, Czech Republic Wrocław, Berlin, Paris, Nuremberg, Prague, Brno, Kraków
- On 5 days
- Night transfers: 2
- Start 19.02
- Price for 1 tourists
Європейський експрес – від Кракова до Берліна Poland, Germany, Czech Republic Wrocław, Berlin, Dresden, Meissen, Prague, Kraków
- On 5 days
- Without overnight transfers
- Start 14.02
- Price for 1 tourists
Lviv, Przemyśl, Jarosław, Tarnów, Kraków, Katowice, Wrocław, Legnica, Dresden
На хвилинку в Амстердам + парк Кекенхоф Poland, Netherlands, Germany Wrocław, Dresden, Amsterdam, Zaanse Schans, Hanover, Hamelin, Warsaw
- On 5 days
- Without overnight transfers
- Start 27.03
- Price for 1 tourists
Париж, запалює серця… + Мюнхен, Дрезден, Прага та Діснейленд! Poland, Germany, France, Czech Republic Wrocław, Dresden, Paris, Strasbourg, Rouen, Deauville, Trouville-sur-Mer, Honfleur, Munich, Prague
- On 6 days
- Night transfers: 2
- Start 09.02
- Price for 1 tourists
Lviv, Przemyśl, Jarosław, Tarnów, Kraków, Katowice, Wrocław, Legnica, Berlin
Подорож до мрії: Париж та Діснейленд Poland, Germany, France, Czech Republic Wrocław, Berlin, Paris, Rouen, Deauville, Trouville-sur-Mer, Étretat, Nuremberg, Бамберг, Prague
- On 6 days
- Night transfers: 2
- Start 18.02
- Price for 1 tourists
Випускний у Нідерландах Poland, Germany, Netherlands, Czech Republic Wrocław, Dresden, Amsterdam, Zaanse Schans, The Hague, Delft, Prague, Brno, Kraków
- On 6 days
- Night transfers: 2
- Start 02.06
- Price for 1 tourists
Lviv, Przemyśl, Jarosław, Tarnów, Kraków, Katowice, Wrocław, Legnica, Dresden, Leipzig, Hanover
Селфі в Амстердамі! Poland, Germany, Netherlands, Czech Republic Wrocław, Dresden, Amsterdam, Zaanse Schans, The Hague, Delft, Prague, Brno, Kraków
- On 6 days
- Night transfers: 2
- Start 17.02
- Price for 1 tourists
Lviv, Przemyśl, Jarosław, Tarnów, Kraków, Katowice, Wrocław, Legnica, Dresden, Erfurt, Frankfurt area
Париж - це пристрасть! Париж - це свято! Poland, Germany, France, Czech Republic Wrocław, Dresden, Meissen, Paris, Rouen, Deauville, Trouville-sur-Mer, Étretat, Nuremberg, Prague, Brno, Kraków
- On 7 days
- Night transfers: 2
- Start 09.02
- Price for 1 tourists
Від краю до краю: Париж, Амстердам, Нормандія… Poland, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Czech Republic Wrocław, Berlin, Amsterdam, City of Brussels, Paris, Rouen, Deauville, Trouville-sur-Mer, Honfleur, Nuremberg, Prague, Brno, Kraków
- On 7 days
- Night transfers: 2
- Start 16.02
- Price for 1 tourists
Lviv, Przemyśl, Jarosław, Tarnów, Kraków, Katowice, Wrocław, Legnica, Berlin, Magdeburg, Osnabrück, Hanover
Випускний альбом з Амстердаму та Парижу Poland, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Czech Republic Wrocław, Berlin, Amsterdam, City of Brussels, Paris, Rouen, Deauville, Trouville-sur-Mer, Honfleur, Nuremberg, Prague, Brno, Kraków
- On 7 days
- Night transfers: 2
- Start 01.06
- Price for 1 tourists
Lviv, Przemyśl, Jarosław, Tarnów, Kraków, Katowice, Wrocław, Legnica, Berlin, Magdeburg, Hanover, Osnabrück
Подаруй собі Amsterdam! Poland, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Czech Republic Wrocław, Berlin, Amsterdam, Zaanse Schans, City of Brussels, Leiden, Delft, The Hague, Dresden, Brno, Prague, Kraków
- On 7 days
- Night transfers: 2
- Start 09.02
- Price for 1 tourists
Гарно так: Париж + Цюрих! Poland, Germany, France, Switzerland, Czech Republic Wrocław, Nuremberg, , Paris, Zürich, Lucerne, Штайн-ам-райн, Prague
- On 6 days
- Without overnight transfers
- Start 10.02
- Price for 1 tourists
Lviv, Przemyśl, Jarosław, Tarnów, Kraków, Katowice, Wrocław, Legnica, Berlin, Magdeburg, Hanover, Osnabrück
Випускний у Амстердамі Netherlands, Germany, Poland Wrocław, Berlin, Amsterdam, Zaanse Schans, Utrecht, Delft, The Hague, Dresden, Kraków
- On 6 days
- Without overnight transfers
- Start 02.06
- Price for 1 tourists
Ах, мій милий Амстердам… Netherlands, Germany, Poland Wrocław, Berlin, Amsterdam, Zaanse Schans, Utrecht, Delft, The Hague, Dresden, Kraków
- On 6 days
- Without overnight transfers
- Start 17.02
- Price for 1 tourists
Випускний у Парижі Poland, Germany, Luxembourg, France, Czech Republic Wrocław, Berlin, Luxembourg, Paris, Rouen, Deauville, Trouville-sur-Mer, Étretat, Colmar, Strasbourg, Prague
- On 6 days
- Without overnight transfers
- Start 31.05
- Price for 1 tourists
Дивовижні Нідерланди! Poland, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Czech Republic Wrocław, Dresden, Amsterdam, Zaanse Schans, City of Brussels, Leiden, The Hague, Delft, Cologne, Aachen, Prague
- On 7 days
- Without overnight transfers
- Start 16.02
- Price for 1 tourists
Lviv, Przemyśl, Jarosław, Tarnów, Kraków, Katowice, Wrocław, Legnica, Dresden, Nuremberg
Еліксир кохання: Париж і Нормандія Poland, Germany, France, Austria, Czech Republic Wrocław, Nuremberg, Бамберг, Paris, Rouen, Deauville, Trouville-sur-Mer, Étretat, Salzburg, Salzkammergut, Brno, Kraków
- On 7 days
- Without overnight transfers
- Start 09.02
- Price for 1 tourists
Lviv, Przemyśl, Jarosław, Tarnów, Kraków, Katowice, Wrocław, Legnica, Berlin, Magdeburg, Hanover, Osnabrück
Дитячі канікули в Нідерландах + 4 парки: "Fantasialand", "Efteling", "Keukenhof" та "Madurodam"! Poland, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Czech Republic Wrocław, Berlin, Amsterdam, Zaanse Schans, City of Brussels, The Hague, Delft, Cologne, Brühl, Prague
- On 7 days
- Without overnight transfers
- Start 30.03
- Price for 1 tourists
Lviv, Przemyśl, Jarosław, Tarnów, Kraków, Katowice, Wrocław, Legnica, Berlin, Magdeburg, Hanover, Dortmund, Cologne
Шарм Парижу та розкіш Нормандії! Poland, Germany, France Wrocław, Berlin, Paris, Rouen, Deauville, Trouville-sur-Mer, Étretat, Cologne, Aachen, Kraków
- On 7 days
- Without overnight transfers
- Start 09.02
- Price for 1 tourists
Vive La France! Мон-Сен-Мішель, Луара та Нормандія! Poland, Germany, France, Czech Republic Wrocław, Erfurt, Вюрцбург, Cologne, Rouen, Étretat, Caen, Mont-Saint-Michel, Tours, Colmar, Brno
- On 6 days
- Without overnight transfers
- Start 09.02
- Price for 1 tourists
Lviv, Przemyśl, Jarosław, Tarnów, Kraków, Katowice, Wrocław, Legnica, Dresden, Erfurt, Dortmund
Цікавий Бенілюкс Poland, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Czech Republic Wrocław, Dresden, Erfurt, Amsterdam, Zaanse Schans, Delft, The Hague, Rotterdam, City of Brussels, Antwerp, Mechelen, Leuven, Bruges, Dinant, Luxembourg, Brno
- On 8 days
- Without overnight transfers
- Start 16.02
- Price for 1 tourists
Lviv, Przemyśl, Jarosław, Tarnów, Kraków, Katowice, Wrocław, Legnica, Berlin, Magdeburg, Hanover
Відкрий для себе - Нідерланди Poland, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Czech Republic Wrocław, Hanover, Hamelin, Amsterdam, Zaanse Schans, The Hague, Delft, City of Brussels, Utrecht, Cologne, Aachen, Brno
- On 8 days
- Without overnight transfers
- Start 16.02
- Price for 1 tourists
Під одним небом, Рим та Париж! Poland, Germany, France, Italy, Vatican, Hungary Wrocław, Dresden, Paris, Rouen, Deauville, Trouville-sur-Mer, Honfleur, Florence, Pisa, Rome, Vatican City, Venice, Budapest, Eger, Egerszalók
- On 8 days
- Night transfers: 2
- Start 15.02
- Price for 1 tourists
Казковими містами: Амстердам, Брюссель, Париж Poland, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, France Warsaw, Berlin, Amsterdam, Zaanse Schans, Delft, The Hague, City of Brussels, Bruges, Paris, Frankfurt am Main, Wrocław
- On 8 days
- Without overnight transfers
- Start 16.02
- Price for 1 tourists
Рандеву в Парижі Poland, Germany, France, Czech Republic Wrocław, Dresden, Meissen, Frankfurt am Main, Paris, Rouen, Deauville, Étretat, Trouville-sur-Mer, Colmar, Strasbourg, Prague, Brno
- On 8 days
- Without overnight transfers
- Start 09.02
- Price for 1 tourists
Так добре разом: Париж+ Бенілюкс! Poland, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany Kraków, Prague, Luxembourg, Paris, Rouen, Deauville, Trouville-sur-Mer, Étretat, City of Brussels, Amsterdam, Zaanse Schans, Berlin, Wrocław
- On 8 days
- Without overnight transfers
- Start 16.02
- Price for 1 tourists
Lviv, Wrocław, Katowice, Kraków, Жешув
Каталонська насолода: Саграда фамілія, Гауді, паелья Poland, Germany, France, Spain, Switzerland Wrocław, Nuremberg, , Бамберг, Strasbourg, Colmar, Barcelona, Bern, Interlaken, Munich
- On 8 days
- Night transfers: 2
- Start 22.03
- Price for 1 tourists
Тур де Франс: Париж, Мон-Сен-Мішель, Луара та Нормандія! Poland, Germany, France, Czech Republic Wrocław, Бамберг, Вюрцбург, Реймс, Paris, Rouen, Étretat, Caen, Гранвіль, Mont-Saint-Michel, Сен-мало, Tours, , Colmar, Strasbourg, Prague, Brno
- On 8 days
- Without overnight transfers
- Start 16.02
- Price for 1 tourists
Секрети Півночі: Стокгольм, Копенгаген та Гамбурґ Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Sweden, Denmark, Germany Warsaw, Riga, Jūrmala, Tallinn, Stockholm, Malmö, Copenhagen, Любек, Гамбург, Бремен, Wrocław
- On 7 days
- Without overnight transfers
- Start 15.02
- Price for 1 tourists
Lviv, Jarosław, Przemyśl, Tarnów, Kraków, Katowice, Wrocław, Legnica, Dresden, Erfurt, Eisenach area, Frankfurt area, ,
Тур від кутюр: Париж та Мілан! Poland, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Austria Wrocław, Erfurt, Paris, Rouen, Deauville, Trouville-sur-Mer, Étretat, Geneva, Milan, Bergamo, Verona, Venice, Vienna
- On 8 days
- Without overnight transfers
- Start 16.02
- Price for 1 tourists
Lviv, Stryi, Mukachevo, Uzhhorod, Lviv, Budapest
Іспанська пристрасть або 3 дні в Барселоні Poland, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, France, Monaco, Italy Wrocław, Nuremberg, , Бамберг, Bern, Interlaken, Barcelona, Nice, Monaco, Bergamo, Milan, Venice
- On 10 days
- Without overnight transfers
- Start 08.02
- Price for 1 tourists
Lviv, Stryi, Mukachevo, Uzhhorod, Lviv, Budapest
Іспанська пристрасть або 3 дні в Барселоні Poland, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, France, Monaco, Italy Wrocław, Nuremberg, , Бамберг, Bern, Interlaken, Barcelona, Nice, Monaco, Bergamo, Milan, Venice
- On 10 days
- Without overnight transfers
- Start 08.02
- Price for 1 tourists
Lviv, Nuremberg, Wrocław, Katowice, Kraków
Кохання в Льорет-де-Мар (5 ночей на морі) Poland, Germany, Switzerland, France, Spain, Andorra, Monaco, Italy Wrocław, Nuremberg, , Бамберг, Bern, Interlaken, Avignon, Lloret de Mar, Barcelona, Кадакес, Andorra, Figueres, Tossa de Mar, Nice, Monaco, Milan, Venice
- On 12 days
- Without overnight transfers
- Start 08.06
- Price for 1 tourists
Береги Атлантики - подорож у невідоме: Бордо, Більбао, Сан-Себастьян Poland, Germany, Switzerland, France, Spain, Italy, Austria Wrocław, Nuremberg, , Бамберг, Bern, Interlaken, Бордо, Аркашон, Сент-емільйон, Біарріц, , , Бакіо, Barcelona, Арль, Avignon, , , Innsbruck, Salzburg, Salzkammergut
- On 12 days
- Without overnight transfers
- Start 04.10
- Price for 1 tourists
Океан почуттів - Португалія! Poland, Germany, Switzerland, France, Spain, Portugal, Czech Republic Wrocław, , , Bern, Interlaken, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Madrid, Toledo, Barcelona, Annecy, Geneva, Zürich, Brno
- On 14 days
- Without overnight transfers
- Start 22.03
- Price for 1 tourists
Lviv, Przemyśl, Jarosław, Tarnów, Kraków, Katowice, Wrocław, Legnica, Dresden, Erfurt, Eisenach area
Ірландія – смарагдовий острів! Poland, Germany, Belgium, France, Ireland Kraków, Erfurt, Aachen, City of Brussels, Bruges, Rouen, Étretat, Deauville, Trouville-sur-Mer, Dublin, Galway, Mallow, Mont-Saint-Michel, Nuremberg, Бамберг, Wrocław
- On 11 days
- Night transfers: 1
- Start 16.05
- Price for 1 tourists
Lviv, Przemyśl, Jarosław, Tarnów, Kraków, Katowice, Wrocław, Legnica, Dresden, Erfurt, Eisenach area
Ірландія - край Атлантики! Poland, Germany, France, Ireland, Czech Republic Wrocław, Erfurt, Cologne, Aachen, Rouen, Étretat, Deauville, Trouville-sur-Mer, Caen, Mont-Saint-Michel, Dublin, Galway, Mallow, Tours, Colmar, Strasbourg, Český Krumlov
- On 13 days
- Without overnight transfers
- Start 29.05
- Price for 1 tourists