Tours and prices for holidays at the hotel Garten- und Kunsthotel Gabriel City 3* 2025-2026 Austria, Vienna

Austria, Vienna

Garten- und Kunsthotel Gabriel City 3* Price calendar 2 tourists

Hotel info
Garten- und Kunsthotel Gabriel City 3*

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A 15-minute bus or underground ride from the Ringstraße Boulevard and Saint Stephen's Cathedral, Gartenhotel Gabriel City offers free WiFi access and a quiet, lush garden. The breakfast room and all of the guest rooms are decorated with imitations of Gustav Klimt murals.

The breakfast buffet is available from 06:30.

The Viehmarktgasse bus stop with access to bus line 74A is located opposite the Gabriel City Gartenhotel. From there the City Airport Train Terminal can be reached within 15 minutes.

The Schlachthausgasse station of the U3 underground line can be reached on foot in 7 minutes.

Hotel location
Garten- und Kunsthotel Gabriel City 3*

* - Information about the services is taken from the official site of the hotel and from the sites of tour operators. Farvater is not responsible for the complete reliability of the information provided and the changes that the hotel may introduce.

Hotel Amenities

    Garten- und Kunsthotel Gabriel City 3*, reviews 1853

    Diana Rest 28.06.2024

    +: Švaru, tvarkinga, patogi lova, geras interneto ryšys, skanūs pusryčiai. Rekomenduoju vienai nakčiai

    -: Parkingas už papildomą kainą buvo kitoje kelio pusėje esančiame garaže, todėl nepatogu nešti daiktus. Būtų buvę geriau, jeigu būtų oro kondocionierius, bet bent jau ventiliatorius buvo. Užuolaidos neužsiskleidžia pilnai, tad ryte pro tarpus įkyriai lenda saulė

    Květoslava Rest 28.06.2024

    There are no comments available for this review

    Viorel Rest 28.06.2024

    +: Amplasare foarte bună, zonă liniṣtită, parcare (contra cost) în garaj subteran. Cafea bună la micul dejun, personal amabil la recepṭie.

    -: Lipseṣc instalaṭiile de aer condiṭionat în camere.

    Very good
    Gyöngyi Rest 28.06.2024
    Tamás Rest 28.06.2024

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    Susanne Rest 28.06.2024

    +: Drei-Sterne-Qualität in zentraler Lage. Supermärkte und ÖPNV fußläufig erreichbar. Parken im Hof oder in der Garage angenehm. Zimmer zur Hofseite (nicht zur Hauptverkehrsstraße!) relativ ruhig.

    -: Frühstück in der Auswahl und Qualität sehr einfach. Es gibt nur ein flaches, weiches Kopfkissen pro Person im Zimmer. Zwei Kopfkissen pro Person wären bequemer. Kleiner Fernseher oben an der Wand kann zu Nackenschmerzen führen.

    Tiago Rest 28.06.2024

    +: Localização muito boa. Café da manhã bom.

    -: Quarto antigo. Ar condicionado portátil. Muito quente dentro do quarto. O chuveiro estava entupido.

    Zuschrader Rest 28.06.2024

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    Mohammed Rest 27.06.2024

    There are no comments available for this review

    Kerstin Rest 27.06.2024

    There are no comments available for this review


    Popular questions about the hotel Garten- und Kunsthotel Gabriel City

    On the site you can find 141 reviews for the hotel Garten- und Kunsthotel Gabriel City. The average rating of the hotel according to reviews - 8,4
    There is no information about services Garten- und Kunsthotel Gabriel City on our site
    Hotel Garten- und Kunsthotel Gabriel City is located in Austria, Vienna.

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