+: Всё было прекрасно, дружелюбный персонал, как только мы приехали сразу нас поселили, кругом чистота, вкусная еда, отдых был незабываемый для всей семьи. Приедем ещё 100%!
The modern all-inclusive complex Sol Luna Bay enjoys a beach front location in Obzor. An on-site free aqua park, free indoor and outdoor pools and a free gym are offered. A spa center is available as well. The beach area offers free parasols and free sunbeds. The air-conditioned rooms come with modern furnishings. A TV with satellite channels, a mini-bar, a safety deposit box and a desk are a standard equipment in each of the units. The private bathroom is fitted with a shower and a bath, a hairdryer and free toiletries. The balcony opens to sea or park views. At Sol Luna Bay All Inclusive, guests can find 3 thematic restaurants - beside the main restaurant, there are also Bulgarian, Italian and fish themed restaurants, offering characteristic dishes for dinner (booking ahead is necessary). Snack bars offer Italian and Spanish snacks. A lobby and a pool bar are available as well. The aqua park offers different fun facilities - waterslides Aquatube, Multitrack, Kamikaze, Rolba and a Multiactive Water Game for the little ones. The aqua tower reveals panoramic views of the entire hotel and the sea. Varna and Bourgas Airports are located 39 mi away.
Couples in particular like the location – they rated it 9.5 for a two-person trip.
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