Все хорошо. Чисто, просторная комната, балкон, завтрак сытный, удобная кровать, много полотенец, хорошо работает интернет. Время проживания: Май 2016
Rodeo Inn Hotel in Koblevo is a well-known holiday complex. The Black Sea coast offers tourists many options for excellent accommodation. And Rodeo Inn can be considered one of them. This is a mini-hotel on the territory of the large Rodeo Park entertainment complex. It can even be considered a cottage with rooms. The location of the hotel is very convenient. Especially for those who have decided to visit the resort for the first time and rent a room in Koblevo. You definitely won't get lost in search of the complex.
Rodeo Inn Hotel in Koblevo is located right at the entrance to the resort area at 148 Morska Street. This part of the resort belongs to the Moldavian zone. In total, there are 4 complexes within the perimeter - Rodeo Inn, Pidkova, Western and cottage-type houses. Rodeo Park is located on the third line from the sea. Therefore, you will still have to walk to the coast. The infrastructure near the hotel is also worth your attention. There is an aquapark nearby, which is the largest in southern Ukraine. Also opposite the hotel is bus station No. 2 and Infobox. And in 2021, Dinopark and ATV rental opened in the same part of the resort. So you definitely won't be bored here.
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