Tours and prices for holidays at the hotel Enorme Serenity Spritz 4* 2024-2025 Greece, Heraklion

Greece, Heraklion

Enorme Serenity Spritz 4* Price calendar 2 tourists

Hotel info
Enorme Serenity Spritz 4*

Hotel location
Enorme Serenity Spritz 4*

* - Information about the services is taken from the official site of the hotel and from the sites of tour operators. Farvater is not responsible for the complete reliability of the information provided and the changes that the hotel may introduce.

Hotel Amenities

    Enorme Serenity Spritz 4*, reviews 486

    Flaviano Rest 12.09.2024

    +: Great hotel vs price and values, amazing location and staff.

    Tobias Rest 12.09.2024

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    Ed Rest 10.09.2024

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    Very good
    Gabriel Rest 10.09.2024

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    Marita Rest 09.09.2024

    +: Das Frühstück und die tolle Aussicht vom Frühstücksraum. Vor allem sind alle Mitarbeiter sehr herzlich und hilfsbereit. Es wirkt alles sehr unkompliziert und entspannt.

    -: Das Badezimmer könnte größer und heller sein. Das Schlafzimmer hat leider keinen Ganzkörperspiegel.

    Very good
    Luana Rest 08.09.2024

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    Magda Rest 07.09.2024

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    Very good
    Teona Rest 04.09.2024

    +: The hotel has an ideal location. Just a few steps and you are at the sea. The breakfast was very varied and tasty, I have rarely eaten such a good breakfast in hotels of this type. The staff is very friendly and helpful. Special thanks to Christina for her recommendations and tips that made our trip so much easier

    Teona Rest 04.09.2024

    +: The location of the hotel is ideal. It was my first time traveling with my family and my parents really enjoyed it. The hotel is very quiet and peaceful and ideal for relaxation. We cooled off in the pool on hot days and enjoyed it very much. Thanks to the staff for helping us and making our days better

    Miljan Rest 03.09.2024

    +: Prvo bih pohvalio menadzment i osoblje hotela.Dobra organizacija oko cekiranja,i ako smo kasno stigli u hotel kada recepcija nije radila.Taxi koji je organizovan preko hotela ,za sam dolazak i odlazak iz hotela,je jos jedan plus sto se tice same organizacije .Kada smo usli u sobu bila je prostrana,na stolu nas je cekala flasa belog vina i suseno voce.U sobi je aparat za kafu ,i kuvalo.Hotel nije na samoj plazi ,jer gledajuci slike sticete utisak da jeste.Izmedju male kamene plaze i hotela nalazi se put,ali je na odlicnoj lokaciji i na samom setalistu.U blizini hotela nalaze se restorani,prodavnice i najlepse plaze gde mozete da provodite dane.Sto se tice dorucka ,mogu slobodno da kazem da je bio odlucan,zato sto je bilo vise raznih jela .Razmisljali su i za one koji vole slani a i sladak dorucak.Pohvala za zenu koja radi u kuhinji.Ljubazna i uvek nasmejana.Pohvalio bi i mlade dame na recepciji koje su bile tu u svakom trenutku da odgovore na svako pitanje i da nam ponognu.

    -: Zvucna izolacija je slaba,sve se cuje iz susednih soba.Takodje obratite paznju kada rezervisete sobu,u hotelu postoje sobe koje su u ravni sa bazenom,ili jos gore da vam je terasa u samom hotelu.Kao sto sam napisao,penjete se uz stepenice da bi dosli do sobe i vidite terasu koja je unutar hotela.Ciscenje sobe je na dnevnom nivou,peskiri i posteljina se menjaju na 3-4 dana.Kako su dani prolazili sve su nam ranije i ranije dolazili i cistili sobu ,sto je bzv jer ne mozes ni da odmoris jer ne znas kada ce da dodju.Znam da se posteljina menja odredjenim danima,ali da ne zamene kada vide da je flekava , to mi nije vilo jasno.


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