Hotel infoArambol Plaza Beach Resort 3*Hotel locationArambol Plaza Beach Resort 3** - Information about the services is taken from the official site of the hotel and from the sites of tour operators. Farvater is not responsible for the complete reliability of the information provided and the changes that the hotel may introduce.Hotel AmenitiesFood and Beverages A restaurant Services 24-hour front desk Car rental Laundry (extra charge) Transfer from / to the airport (extra charge) Sports & Recreation Bicycle rental (surcharge) Swimming pool and wellness services Outdoor Swimming Pool (seasonal)
Popular questions about the hotel Arambol Plaza Beach Resort What are the reviews for the hotel Arambol Plaza Beach Resort? On the site you can find 27 reviews for the hotel Arambol Plaza Beach Resort. The average rating of the hotel according to reviews - 6,6 What services are available at Arambol Plaza Beach Resort? Hotel Arambol Plaza Beach Resort has:A restaurant24-hour front deskCar rentalLaundry (extra charge)Transfer from / to the airport (extra charge)Bicycle rental (surcharge)Outdoor Swimming Pool (seasonal) Where is hotel Arambol Plaza Beach Resort located? Hotel Arambol Plaza Beach Resort is located in India, Arambol.