Tours and prices for holidays at the hotel Golden Hill Otel 4* 2024-2025 Turkey, Istanbul

Turkey, Istanbul

Golden Hill Otel 4* Price calendar 2 tourists

Hotel info
Golden Hill Otel 4*

Located on Istanbul's modern European side, Golden Hill Hotel offers 4-star accommodations with excellent business and leisure facilities, complimentary breakfast and free wireless internet access.

Golden Hill Hotel is an excellent choice for business and leisure guests who want high-quality accommodations at a reasonable price. It offers well-appointed rooms, within close walking distance to tourist attractions on the European side of Istanbul. Free wireless internet access is available throughout the hotel. Golden Hill also offers high-tech conference facilities for up to 200 people.

Guests can enjoy the experience of a real Turkish bath or relax in the Jacuzzi. The lovely indoor swimming pool is a great place to refresh. There is also a tram service close to the hotel, allowing guests to easily access the old town.

Hotel location
Golden Hill Otel 4*

* - Information about the services is taken from the official site of the hotel and from the sites of tour operators. Farvater is not responsible for the complete reliability of the information provided and the changes that the hotel may introduce.

Hotel Amenities

    Golden Hill Otel 4*, reviews 8

    Alamale Rest 13.06.2021

    +: Das war Katastrophe Ich empfehle das Hotel nichts weiter كارثه اقذر فندق ومابي نجمه وحده حرام بي الفلوس

    -: Das war Katastrophe Ich empfehle das Hotel nichts weiter كارثه اقذر فندق ومابي نجمه وحده حرام بي الفلوس

    Rachidi Rest 15.03.2021

    +: Tout

    -: C'était vraiment super

    Very good
    Suleiman Rest 04.12.2020

    +: good

    -: must be big the room's

    Аноним Rest 20.11.2020

    There are no comments available for this review

    Rachid Rest 11.11.2020

    There are no comments available for this review

    Mahad Rest 08.11.2020

    There are no comments available for this review

    Аноним Rest 30.10.2020

    There are no comments available for this review

    Tesnim Rest 12.09.2020

    There are no comments available for this review


    Popular questions about the hotel Golden Hill Otel

    On the site you can find 2 reviews for the hotel GOLDEN HILL OTEL. The average rating of the hotel according to reviews - 4,6
    There is no information about services GOLDEN HILL OTEL on our site
    Hotel GOLDEN HILL OTEL is located in Turkey, Istanbul.

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