Tours and prices for holidays at the hotel Merhaba Hotel 3* 2024-2025 Turkey, Alanya

Turkey, Alanya

Hotel info
Merhaba Hotel 3*

Merhaba Hotel is located in the center of Alanya, across the street from the sea. At the end of 2015, the hotel was renovated.

This small hotel welcomes tourists with traditional Turkish hospitality and cordiality and provides them with a good rest.

Location: The hotel is located in the center of Alanya. Number of rooms: 108 standard rooms, 6 rooms Suites. Description of rooms: - air conditioner; - private bathroom with shower, bidet; - phone; - radio; - 24-hour room service. Hotel infrastructure: - luggage storage; - safe; - laundry, dry cleaning. Types of food: Breakfast Free service: - wake-up service. Paid service: - laundry, dry cleaning; - medical services; - currency exchange. Entertainment and sports: - open pool. Restaurants, bars: - The hotel’s restaurant and bar offer a wide selection of dishes and drinks for every taste.

Hotel location
Merhaba Hotel 3*

* - Information about the services is taken from the official site of the hotel and from the sites of tour operators. Farvater is not responsible for the complete reliability of the information provided and the changes that the hotel may introduce.

Hotel Amenities

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    On the site you can find 52 reviews for the hotel Merhaba Hotel. The average rating of the hotel according to reviews - 6,6
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    Hotel Merhaba Hotel is located in Turkey, Alanya.

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