Tours and prices for holidays at the hotel Санаторій Квітка Полонини (корпус Сузір'я) 1* 2025-2026 Ukraine, Transcarpathian region

Ukraine, Transcarpathian region

Санаторій Квітка Полонини (корпус Сузір'я) 1* Price calendar 2 tourists

Hotel info
Санаторій Квітка Полонини (корпус Сузір'я) 1*

Sanatorium "Kvitka Polonyny" is a unique complex, the treatment in which is based on three types of mineral waters: Polyana Kvasova, Luzhanska No. 4 and No. 7. The territory with an artificial lake is equipped with benches and gazebos for leisurely walks.

The sanatorium is located in a resort area rich in mineral waters. It is surrounded by a forest and is located 5 km from the village of Svalyava. You can get to the complex by train to the station of the same name. Then by minibus or taxi.

The building has four floors with rooms of the standard, superior and junior suite categories. They are equipped with a TV, refrigerator, electric kettle, bathroom.

Guests of the sanatorium can eat in the restaurants "Suzir'ya" of the diet type or "Kvitka Polonyny" of the "buffet" type. Dishes for 5 diets are provided to choose from, depending on the type of disease.

Hotel location
Санаторій Квітка Полонини (корпус Сузір'я) 1*

* - Information about the services is taken from the official site of the hotel and from the sites of tour operators. Farvater is not responsible for the complete reliability of the information provided and the changes that the hotel may introduce.

Hotel Amenities

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