Tours and prices for holidays at the hotel Санаторій Перлина Прикарпаття 1* 2025-2026 Ukraine, Morshyn

Ukraine, Morshyn

Санаторій Перлина Прикарпаття 1* Price calendar 2 tourists

Hotel info
Санаторій Перлина Прикарпаття 1*

Sanatorium "Pearl of the Carpathians" is one of the youngest specialized health centers for the treatment of diseases of the digestive system in the resort Morshyn. The sanatorium is located in a picturesque valley, which is surrounded by elevations, completely covered with forests. Through the resort town, dividing it into two parts, the swift mountain river Berezhnitsa flows - the Strya tributary, which flows into the Dnister. Not far from the resort there is a lake Lisnu.

Sanatorium services: There are cinemas, dance halls, discos, a general resort library with a reading room, and there are several excursion bureaus where trips are organized to Lviv, Yaremche, Chernivtsi, ancient Galich, to Dovbush rocks, to the Svyatoslav valley and more. Near the sanatorium there are sports fields, tennis courts, in winter there are excellent places for skiing, skating.


Single and double rooms with appropriate conditions (shower, toilet and washbasin in the room), junior suites, suites are available for guests. Each class of the room corresponds to its own set of furniture. In each suite and junior suite there are sideboards with dishes, samovars or electric kettles. Single and double suites are provided with refrigerators. The junior suites and suites are equipped with televisions (cable TV). Rooms are provided with round the clock cold water, hot - according to the schedule.

In the sanatorium, patients with chronic gastritis with lowered and preserved gastric secretory function, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, gastric dyskinesia, people, people, and people have an opportunity to improve their health. chronic pancreatitis, chronic colitis and enteritis, irritable bowel syndrome.
The health resort has a therapeutic and diagnostic department. In the latter, patients are provided with a clinical laboratory, rooms for duodenal sensing and gastric juice research, functional diagnostics of diseases of the cardiovascular system, digestive organs (esophagogastroduodenoscopy, colonoscopy, pH-metry, determination of holocobacterial infection), all types of physiotherapy, massage, enteral oxygenotherapy are released , psychotherapy, treatment at the dentist.
The complex of medical procedures uses intestinal lavage with mineral waters, mineral and coniferous baths, circular and ascending souls, Charcot's douche, mud and ozokerite treatment, and physiotherapy exercises, which are dispensed to patients in a general resort balneo, mud and ozokerit hospital.
Highly qualified specialists work in the sanatorium, the necessary medical and diagnostic rooms, equipped with modern equipment, are functioning.
Sanatorium "Pearl of the Carpathians" provides year-round spa treatment and rehabilitation of the population. In its ability to provide customers with 201 bed-place, medical and diagnostic department, two sleeping blocks, a kitchen for 1068 beds.
In the arsenal of treatment, the internal use of mineral water sources No. 1, No. 6, No. 4; mineral baths and healing showers, incl. underwater douche-massage, electro- and ozokeritotherapy, intestinal and gynecological irrigations, massage (usual, gynecological, prostates); psychotherapy, phytotherapy, the whole complex of physiotherapeutic procedures, inhalations, therapeutic physical training.
The diagnostic complex consists of modern clinical, biochemical, immunological and instrumental methods of examination.
Dietary food in the sanatorium is held in one shift in the dining room of the health resort. Frequency of nutrition depends on the disease of the patient and the diet prescribed by the attending physician, can be three or five times. In the sanatorium for payment you can buy improved or restaurant meals. Brief description medical equipment of the sanatorium: electrocardiograph, obstetric and gynecological chair, electrocardioscope, fibrogastroscope, calorimeter, Bobrov apparatus, UHF-66 apparatus, ultrasound, Meta electroscope, magniter, amplipulse, laser + EHF "MIT-1", darsonval "Iskra- 1 "and others

Sanatorium "Pearl of Prikarpattya"
ul.00-litte resort Morshyn, 5, m.Morshin, Stryisky area
Lviv region, 82482

(03260) 6-04-19; 6-04-16 fax . 6-04-12


Hotel location
Санаторій Перлина Прикарпаття 1*

* - Information about the services is taken from the official site of the hotel and from the sites of tour operators. Farvater is not responsible for the complete reliability of the information provided and the changes that the hotel may introduce.

Hotel Amenities

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