In 2025, the popular tours to Czech Republic in the hotel:
In 2025, the popular tours to Czech Republic in the hotel:
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The country for which you do not need to wait for the "season". You can come here both in January and June. At any time of year you will not be bored. Tourists are waiting for walks mystical streets of the ancient city, visiting famous castles. Well, after - tasting the freshest beer. According to the "penultimate" indicator, the country occupies one of the leading places on the planet. And to beer you will definitely bring fried sausages. And what can you do, if there is such a delicious cuisine in this country! After such walks, your body will definitely want to go to Karlovy Vary. This is the center of the country's mineral wealth. Tourists speak about them very favorably and with great enthusiasm.
A great bonus of recreation in the Czech Republic is geographical and philological proximity. From the European country here to go on average 2.5 hours. If you are one of those who stop at half the phrase "Exclusives, vaa ai ken ...", do not worry. You can guarantee that in most cases you will be able to answer in Russian, especially if you are in Karlovy Vary.
The Czech Republic is located in the center of Europe. It consists of the regions of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia and is divided into several additional districts. The location of the country in the Northen Hemisphere has been very favorably influenced by the interest in the country among tourists. Thanks to the climatic conditions, the country's terrain is diverse and beautiful. Unusual and in its own way beautiful countryside, richness of forests, natural parks, mineral springs - these are several reasons why the country is loved and interesting.
The climate of the Czech Republic is favorable for life and recreation. The sea climate here goes to the continental one. The climate in the country is uniform. There are quite a few differences that are associated with the difference in terrain. Summer in the Czech Republic is warm, but not too hot. The air temperature ranges from 19 to 21 degrees above zero. Winters here are also not very cold. The air temperature in the winter in the mountains will be 4 degrees below zero, and on the flat terrain - up to 10 degrees below zero. The end of February is the beginning of spring here. It is this time that is ideal for walking. April and October are the rainiest months of the year.
Types of recreation in the Czech Republic
Recreation in the Czech Republic is surprising with diversity and species. It will not be a mistake to say, from here you will bring only bright emotions and a sea of delightful impressions. It strikes with its nature, architecture, extraordinary beauty of the mountains, where tourists like to come to ride, and also places that allow you to get better. And, of course, where without an active type of recreation.
Let's start, perhaps, from the medical and recreational rest. The whole world knows about the Czech Mineral Waters. Among other things, Czech spas offer a high level of service. The prices at the resorts of the country will pleasantly surprise you. The most popular health resorts are Karlovy Vary, Mariánské Lázně, Jáchymov and Františkovy Lázně.
Another type of recreation in the country is mountain skiing. Ski resorts are gaining popularity. Ski resorts in the Czech Republic - this is also a place for entertainment and fun. Almost at all such resorts you can go snowboarding. There are both running and mountain trails. In addition, being on such a holiday in the Czech Republic, ride a sleigh and snowtubing, for which there are separate tracks.
The country is rich in interesting places and attractions, which have been preserved since ancient times. Each place is unique in its own way. And some of them even entered the UNESCO heritage list. Since there are a lot of historical monuments in the Czech Republic, the excursion programs here are always rich and interesting. No wonder the Czech Republic is among the ten most visited countries in the world.
On this holiday in the Czech Republic does not end. After all, there is a very popular hiking, rock climbing, biking, agrotourism, various water sports. And if all of the above you have already tried, then try to jump from a parachute or choose for yourself some kind of air sports. For example, you can fly on a glider, a motor plane, a hang-glider or a balloon. Pay special attention to golf. The history of the creation of this sport is connected with high-ranking royal people. In the Czech Republic, golf is very popular.
Top places of interest in the Czech Republic
An amazing state, unlike any other is the Czech Republic. Not only beer alone, but also the deep and ancient history and places that nature itself created. We will tell you about the most interesting and visited ones.
The Charles Bridge
In every country there are places where millions or even billions of people have visited for their entire existence. It is to such and apply the Charles Bridge. Holidays in the Czech Republic can not imagine a walk with coffee on the bridge. There is always an incredible, lively atmosphere here. In Prague, there are 18 bridges, but only this one managed to really fall in love with tourists. The bridge was built on the initiative of the famous Charles IV. There is a legend according to which the Dalai Lama came to the country and decided to come here. Walking here, he said that this is an ideal place with positive energy. Maybe that's why the bridge is so attractive to itself.
Prague Castle
And just outside the Charles Bridge Prague Castle is located. It is one of the oldest fortresses in the world. It occupies the top of a hill that is on the left bank of the Vltava. Once there were kings and emperors in the city. This trend continues today. Grad is the residence of the current head of state. As you are here, take a walk in the courtyards of the Castle and be sure to find the Royal Garden and the Singing Fountain with falling drops. They are somehow repeating the sound of local bells.
Old Town Square
It is compact and beautiful. Once there was a small market in the 12th century. Today around the square is very compact restaurants with summer terraces. It is interesting that if you have even the worst mood, it will change in a moment, it is worth seeing this place. Especially if you are lucky enough to come to the square during the battle of the chimes. Tourists cute gather under a huge tower clock and wait for a small puppet show to begin. It happens every hour. If you have not already been to this country, feel free to purchase a ticket to the Czech Republic, because you missed a lot.
Wenceslas Square
Locals call it Vaclavak. Here rallies, meetings and holidays are held. And yet, it is in this place that you can make yourself a "holiday for the soul" - go shopping. The square is full of shops, hotels and cafes. Here is the National Museum, before the entrance to which one can not fail to notice the monument to St. Wenceslas.
It's time to see the "dancing building"!
You will be surprised by the discrepancy between the architecture of the city and this building. And the question arises why he was called a dancer. It seems that the Czech Republic is not Spain. In fact, once in the country there was a famous dance couple - Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. They inspired the architect. After lengthy negotiations and disputes, the President of the country Vaclav Havel gave his consent to the construction of the building. So in 1996 the "Dancing Building" appeared. This is a composition of two houses. It is wide at the top, thus recalling the male sculpture, while the other one, on the contrary, resembles a female figure. If you look from afar, it seems that the building is about to collapse. Near the same illusion as never happened. Today, on the roof of this house is a cozy restaurant with beautiful views of the city. So, get a tour to the Czech Republic and enjoy the architecture of the country!
Resorts in the Czech Republic
Reasons to buy a tour to the Czech Republic and spend a holiday in this country, a lot. This is treatment, and just rest or take care of your soul and body. Investing in yourself and your health is always profitable. Such an investment will pay off. We live in such fussy time, when we spend a lot of time looking for ourselves, multiplying our wealth and solving other important issues for us. Being busy, it is very important to find time for rest.
Karlovy Vary
By right is considered the largest and most famous tourist resort of the country. They come here mainly to improve their health. The resort is famous for its hot springs, which beat in the valley of the Tepla river. In total in this Czech town beats about 132 sources, 12 of them are used for medicinal purposes. Karlovy Vary tourists adore beauty, chic hotels and service at a high level. Festivals and concerts are constantly held here. It seems that the city lives in order to please the most sophisticated tourist. While on vacation in the Czech Republic, namely in this city, get acquainted with the production of "Becherovka", go to the Angel hill. You should also see Svyatoshsky rocks and exhibits of the glass factory museum.
Mariánské Lázně
Although it is considered the second largest resort, but it stands out among all the resorts of the country with its beauty. The resort was located in a valley surrounded by wooded peaks. And the city itself is more like a park. And this is not the end of the resort's wealth. Its main "zest" is a rich scale of medical sources. It is cold acidic mineral waters, the temperature of which is 7-10 degrees above zero. There is no concept of "no season", because the number of tourists sometimes exceeds the number of residents of the resort.
You thought that vacation in the Czech Republic is only excursions and treatment. But this is far from the case, in the country there is also a ski holiday. It is located in the central part of the Jizera Mountains. This is an ideal holiday resort with a family. Tourists are waiting for routes of different levels of complexity: for beginners, including children, and for professional skiers. Together with natural in the resort there is an artificial cover. His condition is monitored here, so skating will be enjoyable, even if the winter does not please the snow.
Frantiskovy Lazne
They come here to treat diseases associated with metabolic disorders, as well as to treat gynecological diseases. Treatment is based on 24 mineral springs. Although the resort and the smallest, tourists are always very much. It's not just about those who came to the treatment. The resort attracts attention with its classic style, as well as an atmosphere that seems to take you back to the 18-19th century. While on vacation in the Czech Republic, do not forget to drop by here.
He treats resorts of intenational level and importance. It passed the intenational classification and is a healthy city in the world. It became known after the discovery of mineral springs. Further, the city actively began to be built and tuned into a center for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
Kutna Hora
The city is of great importance in the history of the country's development. As early as the 18th century, ore was found here. Its deposits became the starting point in the development of the city. So the city became a political and trade center in the Middle Ages. Today the city has preserved a lot of places of interest and places to visit. The most unusual and mystical place in the city is the Church of All Saints. By right it is considered a unique construction, the interior of which is made of skulls and bones of people. Such a mystical vacation in the Czech Republic!
A tour to the Czech Republic is a wonderful jouney to another world. Here everything is different and even people are different. This country wants to lean more. It does not become quickly luscious and uninteresting. She is like a person you are in love with. Agree, we love everyone in such people, we admire them, we can not get enough of them. This is the Czech Republic. And finally, the tip: just forget everything in the world, because you are in the Czech Republic!
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