In 2025, the popular tours to France in the hotel:
In 2025, the popular tours to France in the hotel:
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France - is a country that is included in the top of the most popular and popular places among tourists. Why, you ask? And all thanks to the fact that it can provide its tourists with diverse opportunities: Cote d'Azur for fans of the sea and the beach, Courchevel for those wishing to ski, and Provence for lovers of delicious food. And, of course, how to do without Parisian romance. Imagine, that's not all. After all, we forgot to recall champagne, cognac and a variety of fine restaurants, the birthplace of this all is France. And a country called France is a trendsetter. The French and French women are true mods. Buy a ticket to France and see for yourself.
France is comfortably located in the westen part of Europe. It consists of 18 regions: it is the island of Corsica; 12 regions that are located on the European continent; The other five are overseas possessions. This geographical position of the country is favorable for tourism and not only. The climate in France was formed due to the geographical location of the country. So, it is equally remote from the pole and equator, so the territory is dominated by a mild climate with not very cold winter and a cool summer.
There are several climatic zones in the country. In northen France winters are colder than in other regions, and summers are precipitated here. In the southwesten part of the summer, it is hot and dry, and spring is rainy. The climate in the capital of the country is characterized by hot summers and cold winters. In the East, the summer is rainy, and the winter is cold. As for the highland areas, here winter is always with precipitation, long and also cold. You can draw the following conclusion: going on vacation in France, you expect a moderately maritime climate. In the easten part of the country it tends more towards the continental, and on the Mediterranean coast - subtropical.
Types of recreation in France!
What does this country associate with? With romance. People like to go on a romantic trip. At the same time, people often do not even suspect what opportunities France still provides for its tourists. It is interesting that here as if all in one copy, do not find the same cities or villages. The new city is necessarily not the same as the previous one. So, we'll tell you about the types of holidays in France:
Top of the most incredible places in France!
If you intend to purchase a tour to France, to relax as you should and get a sea of pleasant emotions, be sure to go to the canival. It takes place in Nice in February. In addition to this event in the country there are many places that are equally exciting. We present to your attention the most incredible. You should see them first.
Eiffel Tower
The number of photos on the background of this tower can not be counted. She conquered, conquered and will conquer the hearts of travelers. It is located on the Field of Mars, built it in the distant 1889. Being on the tower, you can not help seeing the Jena Bridge, which stretches across the Seine. The tower is rightly considered a symbol of the country of 322 meters high. It was built as an entrance arch of the Parisian World Exhibition, held in 1889. When the exhibition was over, the tower had to be demolished. This saved her radio antennas, which are installed on top of her. The tower consists of three levels. The French believe that the tower is a structure for tourists. Maybe, but there's something in it!
Champs Elysees or Ellisium
This is the most famous street in Paris and the main thoroughfare of the city. The name of this attraction is translated as "the islands of the blessed." Even if you have not been on vacation in France, you probably heard something about this place. To get around from the beginning to the end of the field, you need to get to the Place de la Concorde - the starting point of the sights. It stretches for almost two kilometers to the Arc de Triomphe. Imagine, 500 thousand people visit this landmark every day. And you can be among them.
The Louvre
Being in the center of the capital of France, on the right bank of the Seine, it is difficult not to notice the largest art museum in the world. It was located in the Louvre palace, which was built in the 17th century as a fortress. In addition, here you will find a lot of famous exhibits, there are 300 thousand of them here, but only 35 thousand can be seen in the halls. For example, you are lucky enough to see bas-reliefs from the Assyrian palaces, Egyptian paintings and other works of the creators of past centuries.
Notre Dame Cathedral
Have you read Victor Hugo's novel of the same name? It is thanks to this novel that the cathedral became one of the most visited places in the world. Being in the heart of Paris, it amazes tourists with pomposity and Gothic style. As well as the canons of Gothic, there are no paintings on the walls of the cathedral, but there are beautiful stained-glass windows. The height of its individual parts reaches 96 meters. And it is here that the crown of thons of Jesus Christ is kept. Tour to France is worth to buy for this place.
The Palace of Versailles
Ask your friends what a "versal" is. And you will be told that this is a symbol of luxury and brilliance. The initiator of the construction of the palace was Louis XIV. Like many things in this world, this palace was built out of envy. Everything happened in the distant past: the Minister of Finance decided to build a palace for himself. Louis saw him and wanted the same, only "100 times better." So the Palace of Versailles appeared. True, the construction of this palace with 2300 rooms was not without economy. Include in the list of compulsory places to visit on holiday in France, this palace. You can see for yourself that there is not a single lavatory here, and some of the fireplaces are an element of the decor.
It is considered the highest point of the capital. In ancient times on this hill there was an ancient Roman settlement. Today, the Sacré-Coeur basilica is 94 meters high, which was built in 1875. But this is not so simple, because climbing the hill can be overcome by 237 steps.
Moulin rouge
Here you can not take pictures and do not smoke, and even entry costs an average of 90-120 euros, but this does not make visitors less. To get here, you must book a table in advance. Once this place was notorious, but as soon as aristocrats looked in, Moulin Rouge transformed into a fashionable institution. It is here that the cancan dances and you can watch the dance-song show. Rest in France is impossible without Moulin Rouge.
Resorts in France
Resorts of this country are loved by tourists. Rest in France is not limited to the presence of unforgettable attractions. Ski resorts and also beach resorts - that is what motivates tourists from all over the world to buy permits to France. It is interesting that when visiting resorts so many people, there is no feeling of the crowd. We present to your attention an overview of the resorts of this mysterious country.
Beach resorts in France
The sea coast of France stretched for more than three thousand kilometers. Sea resorts are located on the Mediterranean and Atlantic coast. The Atlantic coast is divided in tun into the regions of Brittany, Normandy. Separately worth noting is the island of Corsica. The most popular sea resorts are:
Ski resorts in France
Ski resorts know the whole world. They are the quality indicator that resorts of other countries seek to achieve. They are compared, they are set as an example.
There is no more prestigious place than Courchevel. He has something to love. A wonderful choice of routes, virgin slopes and the perfect service - that's what people buy expensive tours here for. Separately it is worth mentioning shopping and social life of the resort!
It is located in the central part of the region "Three Valleys", it consists of three villages. If you decide this year to go on vacation with children and teach them to ski, then you here. During the day you can go skiing, and at night you can go to the village of Motarre. There you will find active and varied nightlife.
Val Thorens
Rest in France is an opportunity to go skiing at a resort that is considered to be the highest in Europe (2.3 km high). The resort has a special anti-avalanche system, which is responsible for the safety of skiing. Despite the height, the resort has slopes for beginners.
This is an Alpine resort with 222 trails for skiing. In addition to all the conditions for lovers of skiing, the city of Megeve has preserved many buildings in the Savoy style. The most difficult and beautiful descents you will find in the areas of Mont Joli and Mont-Joux. So, from Mont Joly you will see incredible landscapes of Mont Blanc. And not far from here, in San Gervais, there are thermal springs, which tourists are also happy to visit. Tour to France - your real opportunity to be in a fairy tale.
Tourists are waiting for wide, spacious trails. In addition, Tignes offers its tourists a snow park, a descent for the mogul. Those who do not know how to ski can not worry. They will be taught without difficulty in special ski schools. Miss you at this resort will not be given, because for you always open the doors of restaurants, cafes and bars. Another pleasant point is the pleasant pricing policy at the resort. Tours to France - a dream of travelers. The country loves tourists with interesting places, nature, hotel comfort, and also excellent shopping. And you had a desire to find yourself in the early moning in France, go to a local cafe, order yourself a croissant and feel yourself a resident of this city? If so, do not waste your valuable time, choose a ticket to France and just do what you want. France - it is inexpressibly and indescribably beautiful. A sea of emotions for life ...
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