In 2025, the popular tours at Munich in the hotel:
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In 2025, the popular tours at Munich in the hotel:
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The secret slogan of Bavaria is "the capital loves you". On vacation, you immediately feel a friendly and hospitable attitude to tourists. Planning a tour to Munich, you will be expected not only by the unrestrained fun of the Oktoberfest, but also by excellent football matches, but also by many other things. A trip to Munich is an opportunity to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Alps, see the ancient bell towers and town halls, as well as majestic cathedrals. Planning a vacation in Munich, it is worth to be prepared for the fact that a fine summer day can dramatically change for a downpour. So that it does not cloud your vacation, take a "windbreaker" and an umbrella on your vacation. Winter time is a great time for visiting excursions and skiing in the local Garmisch.
The cuisine of Munich requires special attention, you can talk about it for hours. Rest in Munich will not do without visiting the breweries, some of them have been hosting guests since the thirteenth century! In addition to beer, Munich is known all over the world for its sausages, stewed pork leg with cabbage and potatoes and all sorts of salty pretzels. Pleasant bonus cafe - huge portions, one can safely suffice for two. A tour to Munich, bought at the end of September, is an excellent opportunity to visit the world-famous Oktoberfest. Simply put it's a beer festival that has been held in the resort for more than two hundred years.
Types of recreation in Munich
The most popular holiday in Munich is excursion. In addition to discovering ancient sights, many have discovered an active holiday in the resort, for example, swimming in a local lake or descending from a mountain peak. If you went on vacation with children, rest assured, they will not get bored. The resort has many interesting places for young tourists. The first place to visit with children is Hallabrunn. This is a shooting gallery where you can see hawks, pet goats and even ride a camel. No less interesting place is the Olympic Park, where various marine inhabitants are gathered. Dinosaur lovers will appreciate the Museum of Paleontology. The time spent in the museum will fly unnoticed and give bright memories.
Top places of interest in Munich
Start the tour program of the resort is from the heart of the city, namely, with Marienplatz - the central square. On the square are the New and Old Town Halls. The local architecture is made in the Baroque style, which is saturated with luxury and wealth. If you are tired of walking on the square, you can look into one of the cozy breweries and enjoy fresh beer or go in search of gifts in a souvenir shop. Sightseeing in Munich includes visits to religious sites. Near the Cathedral of St. Michael can not pass without sinking heart. In it lie the remains of the ruler Ludwig II. To enjoy the beauty of the city you can climb to one of the towers of the cathedral. From there a delightful panorama of Munich opens. It is worth noting that Munich is rich not only in the brewery, but also in all kinds of parks and museums. If you want to quietly relax on the lawn, you should go to the royal park of Hofgarten or the English garden. These are favorite places of local residents, here they slowly walk, organize picnics.
Castles of the capital of Bavaria
A tour to Munich should be purchased at least because of the opportunity to visit the two unique castles of the resort. The first is Nymphenburg. The locals call it "Versailles in Bavaria". The territory of the castle is adjoined by a beautiful park with canals, statues and footpaths. In addition, nearby is the Botanical Garden, which is recognized as the best in the country. The second castle, worth a visit - Blyutenburg. Although it does not look as luxurious as the first palace, but its history is associated with the romantic legend of the love of a simple girl and heir to the Bavarian throne. Come to Munich!
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