In 2025, the popular tours to Israel in the hotel:
In 2025, the popular tours to Israel in the hotel:
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Rest in Israel is a long favorite place for tourists. The reasons for this attitude of travelers to the country are several. First, there is no language barrier as such, because many Russian-speaking people live in the country. Secondly, Israel is a fount of different cultures, a colorful country with its own traditions, a huge number of nationalities and beautiful cultural and historical sights. Thirdly, beautiful nature and the Dead Sea make Israel even more popular. Israel is located in the Middle East. Its neighbors are Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt. In Israel there are mountains, the Jordan River and a fairly large Negev desert, as well as large lakes: the Dead Sea, which is considered the largest among them and the Sea of Galilee.
The climate of the country is striking in its diversity. Rains fall mainly in the period from November to May. All other months in the year are sunny. In the southern part of the country there is almost no rain. It seems that they all fall out later in the North and in the Center of Israel. In summer, the climate on the coast is humid, it's cold in winter. Hot summer and warm winter are observed in the Jordan Valley. The average temperature is 38 degrees above zero, the water temperature is up to 30 degrees.
Another 7 Reasons to Come to Rest in Israel
A country where you can come at any time of the year and where you can relax both your body and your soul. There are many reasons to come here. We bring to your attention a few more of them:
Visa-free country
If you today decided to go on vacation to Israel, tomorrow you can be there. Israel is a visa-free country for Ukrainians. You can stay in it for up to 90 days without a visa. Accordingly, you do not have to spend precious time preparing documents.
Sea and beach all year round
Rest in Israel is a voucher to the country where four seas are at your service: Dead, Red and Mediterranean. And where the fourth sea, you ask. It is called Galilean - but its sea can hardly even be called. Yes, and the water in it is fresh. "The Sea" he was called for another reason. This is a kind of tribute to the reservoir, which was the only source of water in the ancient Galilee. Rest in this country will let you forget about the problems.
Shopping in Israel
The large cities of Israel are rich in brand and multi-brand stores, as well as shopping centers. And there are a lot of "best friends of girls" in the country - diamonds! It occupies a worthy first place in the sale of precious stones in the world. The largest diamond exchange operates in Israel.
World Shrines
Regardless of what you believe, on vacation in Israel you will be interested in seeing such sacred places as the Garden of Gethsemane, the Church of the Assumption of Our Lady, the chamber of the "Last Supper", or the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Excursion leaves few people indifferent. Its final point is the Western Wall.
National cuisine
According to the religion of Israel, local people do not consume seafood and pork. Milk and meat in institutions are served separately. This kosher is observed in all establishments. But do not worry, in the resort areas of the country there are non-kosher institutions, where they prepare dishes of European cuisine. And the Israelis are very fond of sweet. Especially they like desserts and different sweets, the variety of which on the shelves of restaurants and shops will surprise you.
High level of service
This is what makes rest in Israel so desirable for tourists. Almost every hotel has an all-inclusive travel-loving system. Moreover, in Israel you can get a wonderful holiday at a reasonable price.
A variety of types of recreation in Israel
What is associated with summer vacation? Of course, with the sea and the beach. There are plenty of beaches in Israel. In free time from the sea, you can dive. The lovers of this lesson like to sink in the Eilat Bay with the northernmost coral reefs of Eurasia. Immersed in the bottom, you can watch the dolphins. If you have already visited the above-mentioned places, visit the "Japanese Gardens" - an 80-meter steep coral wall.
Another no less interesting occupation is a jeep safari. You will be shown where the trade caravan route and the Bedouin settlement took place. And you will see Solom mountain composed entirely of salt. In addition to these classes, excursions are awaited, as well as visits to medical and health resorts.
Under the label "Required to attend"
There are such sights in Israel that you need to see first. We bring to your attention their review.
Church of the Holly Sepulcher
Local residents consider the church one of their important shrines. According to legend, the temple was built where they crucified, buried, and where the resurrection of Jesus Christ took place. The initiator of its erection is the Empress Elena. During the pilgrimage Elena saw a cave where they crucified Christ and found a cross on which he was crucified and gave the order to build a temple on this place. The temple was destroyed several times and rebuilt. The temple that you will see while on vacation in Israel is the result of the restoration of the early 19th century.
Via Dolorosa
This is the way that Christ passed before the crucifixion. In translation, the "road of sorrow". To date, so called one of the streets of Jerusalem. Its beginning is the Lion's Gate, and the end is the Church of the Sepulcher. Pilgrims arrange processions along the "road of sorrow". Through certain stretches of the road, they make stops to read the prayers. At one time, these stops were twenty. To date, this number has dropped to 14. Of course, the path that pilgrims are passing is far from the true road of Christ, because much has changed since then. For example, the streets received new names. If you still decide to pass the road, you will need to pass the first 9 stations. The remaining five are directly beside the Temple.
Wall of Tears
Tour to Israel - the opportunity to see with your own eyes another important place. The Wailing Wall is part of a large stone wall that was built around the Temple Mount. The wall was erected at the beginning of the first century BC. The initiator of this was Herod the Great to maintain the earth embankment. This wall was preserved and truly survived by a miracle. When you come here, you will see how many people are standing next to her and praying. This can be observed both during the day and at night. The wall is a symbol of hope and faith.
Dome of the Rock
The Temple Mount is the place where you can see the Dome. If you believe the legends, it was on this mountain that the world was created. The mosque, on which the dome is located, does not work today. For all the time it was destroyed many times, but the mosque was reconstructed, adding with each time some new elements. So, its walls are decorated with beautiful mosaics in Islam-specific tones.
Tomb of the Theotokos
Many tourists buy trips to Israel in order to see holy places. The tomb of the Virgin Mary, tourists and locals, is also considered a shrine of these places. It is located in the Kidron Valley under the ground. The tomb leads 50 steps. Inside it is made in the form of a cross. According to legend, the Virgin was buried where her parents rested in this tomb. In the tomb, services are held today, so you can easily get here.
Temple of the Ascension
It can be seen on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. Biblical legends say that it was here that Jesus prayed and often met with his disciples. And in this place he ascended to heaven. A stone with a marble frame is the central place here. It is said that the trace of the Lord itself remained on it.
The little room of the Last Supper
The upper room is in the building where King David was buried. It was in Zion that the apostles gathered once to celebrate Easter. On this day Jesus appeared to them. The interior of the room, in which all this was happening, is made in the Gothic style. If you want to see the place that passes the legacy of the Orthodox religion, just get a ticket to Israel.
Mount of Olives
According to legends, it was on this mountain that Jesus taught and did good deeds. And from here he ascended to the ground. According to the Old Testament, King David escaped to this mountain from his hated son. Now they built a church, a chapel and an Orthodox church here. This is not the whole list of interesting places in the country. But these are the sights to be seen first of all, regardless of your religion.
Resorts in Israel
Resorts of Israel are waiting for tourists all year round and are ready to offer them a good rest.
In Hebrew, the name of the city means "spring mound". This city is considered the second largest city in the country. Tourists love it for its convenient location - it is located near the international airport and 60 kilometers from Jerusalem. It is convenient to travel around the country from here. In Tel Aviv is one of the best embankments in the world, which stretches continuously along the sea. Tourists purchase permits for Israel for this place. Especially they like to go to local restaurants and cafes. Tel Aviv is the center of the night life of the country. It is crowded even after the end of the holiday season.
The pride of this resort is the mountains, the sea and the sun. The coast of the Red Sea has long been considered a natural reserve. This is an ideal place for divers and snorkelers. It's warm all year round. Rain on this resort is a miracle. A large number of hotels and developed infrastructure, as well as a rich flora and fauna make the resort popular among tourists. Of the sights to be seen are the Eilat underwater observatory. To get to it, you need to overcome 90 steps.
Tour to Jerusalem is acquired not only for the sake of the sea. Many tourists choose the country as an object of pilgrimage. It is interesting that Israel was often depicted in the center of the world in ancient times. It was here that many events occurred that are described in the Bible. Wandering among the sights, you forcibly forget about reality.
Located 35 kilometers from Tel Aviv and is considered one of the most beautiful resorts of the Mediterranean Sea . There is a mild climate and a variety of beaches with a length of 13.5 kilometers. Among the living quarters, the Netanya park is comfortably located, which is equipped for rest with children. In addition to this park there are "Yakum", "Tel Poleg" and the "Irusim" reserve. There is also a synagogue and several museums worth visiting. In the city there are many cafes, restaurants, shopping centers. At night, there are bars and clubs for the tourist.
The Dead Sea can rightly be considered the most amazing water body on the planet. Every year, millions of tourists come here to rest and regain their strength. Delicate beaches and the sun contribute to this. Some specially come for medical treatment. In the Dead Sea contains almost the entire periodic table. Water has medicinal properties. Near the sea there are thermal springs and therapeutic peloid mud.
Israel is a country that can puzzle. After all, it's very difficult to decide which one to go to. Someone wise said that the ability to properly dispose of rest is the highest degree of civilization. Tour to Israel is your right choice!
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