In 2025, the popular tours to Slovakia in the hotel:
In 2025, the popular tours to Slovakia in the hotel:
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Planning a holiday in Europe, we recommend to stop the choice in Slovakia. This country will please not only beautiful landscapes, which deserve to be imprinted, but also one of the best thermal springs in the world. They are known all over the world due to the fact that water from these sources contains almost the entire chemical table of Mendeleyev. And of course, Slovakia is rich in historical sights, castles, in which ghosts are said to live.
The country is dominated by the continental climate, which differs slightly in different regions. Autumn is often rainy. In winter, the air temperature on the plains is kept within three degrees of heat, and in the mountains will be ten frosts. In summer the air warms up to twenty degrees of heat in the plains, and in the mountains to ten degrees of heat. If you are planning a sightseeing or therapeutic stay in Slovakia, then it is better to go between May and October. The ski season opens at the resort in November and ends in March.
Tour to Slovakia will not do without visiting national restaurants. The kitchen has European accents with pronounced notes of authenticity. The most popular dish, among tourists, is the stucco, as well as parenitsa - national varieties of cheese made from sheep's milk. "Zest" of local cuisine - various broths with the addition of vegetables and meat. From alcoholic beverages on holiday in Slovakia, you should try wines that are not inferior to good European brands in quality, but are worth less. Of the stronger liquors, pay attention to the juniper (rostov) and plum (slivovitz) vodka. Slovakia is famous for its desserts and pastries, namely, strudels, pies with poppy seeds and buns.
Types of recreation in Slovakia
There are about 1.2 thousand medical sources in the country. Many resorts are located in the mountains, among the beautiful scenery that contribute to recovery. At each of the resort's tourist resort will be waiting for the European service. Doctors offer specially designed programs and treatment regimens, depending on the illness. So, the resort of Dudnica is known for hydrogen sulfide springs, which help to restore blood vessels, heart and musculoskeletal system. Tour in Slovakia, in the Berdeeevskie Fonts, they know thanks to sources that help to overcome diseases of blood vessels, heart, digestion and even oncology.
In addition to healing, you can go to Slovakia for skiing. Skiing is the most developed and popular sport in the country. This is due to the fact that most of the state is occupied by mountain ranges. The main ski resorts are the High and Low Tatras, which open their doors for tourists from November to May. If you are buying a tour to Slovakia for the purpose of teaching skiing, it is worth giving a preference to the High Tatras, with many ski schools and quieter descents. Experienced skiers will like to rest in the Low Tatras. No less popular extreme rest - descent on snowboard.
Top places to visit in Slovakia
Sightseeing in Slovakia is a real adventure in "old" times. The capital of Slovakia, Bratislava, is rich in such historical monuments as the Capuchin Church, Martin's Cathedral, the Town Hall and other equally interesting places. The cathedral of Elizabeth in Kosice is a real pride of the region. It was built in the fourteenth century by the canons of Gothic architecture.
Most of the country's castles have interesting legends, and in some, rumored ghosts live to this day. For example, according to legend, one of the towers of the castle Devin once jumped off a girl who was separated from her lover. After that, the local began to hear inconsolable crying in the walls of the building. Another entertaining legend says: "Everyone who sits on a bench in the City of Oravsk can be cured of infertility." And Bojnice Castle opens its doors every year for the Festival of Ghosts. Slovakia is known for its abundance of caves of various origins and species. So, many of them are listed in the UNESCO list. Rest in Slovakia will be remembered for many years, if you visit the icy or aragonite cave.
Resorts of Slovakia
The most famous ski resorts in Slovakia are the Low Tatras (with routs for beginners and resorts), Jasna, Donovaly and High Tatras with resorts Smokovec and Strbský Pleso. Piešныany is considered to be the most famous medical Slovak resort. Here for the recovery the whole range of services is provided - mud baths, hydrogen sulphide source of water, thermal baths, etc. Many tourists acquaintance with Slovakia prefer to start from visiting the capital - Bratislava. It is rich in historical sights, centuries-old cathedrals and other interesting places that will not leave indifferent any traveler.
Slovakia is considered the most abundant country in terms of the number of interesting resorts. The choice of types of recreation makes it possible to visit the wonderful country of Slovakia according to individual preferences and opportunities.
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