Туры и цены на отдых в отеле Mare Blue Suites 4* 2024-2025 Греция, Ханья

Греция, Ханья

Информация об отеле
Mare Blue Suites 4*

Отель Mare Blue Suites расположен в городе Георгиуполис. К услугам гостей номера с кондиционером и бар. К услугам гостей круглосуточная стойка регистрации, ресторан и терраса. В каждом номере есть балкон.

Номера отеля оснащены телевизором с плоским экраном.

Для гостей отеля Mare Blue Suites сервируется завтрак «шведский стол».

Расстояние до международного аэропорта Ханьи составляет 50 км.

Расположение отеля
Mare Blue Suites 4*

* - Информация об услугах взята с официального сайта гостиницы и с сайтов туроператоров. Компания Farvater не несет ответственность за полную достоверность предоставленной информации и изменения, которые может ввести отель.

Удобства в отеле

    Mare Blue Suites 4*, отзывы 148

    Gesa Отдых 14.11.2023

    +: Das Frühstück wurde im Außenbereich bereitgestellt mit Blick aufs Mittelmeer. Fantastisch.

    Neil Отдых 11.10.2023

    +: The room was clean.The balcony and the view from it was lovely.A good choice of food on the breakfast buffet.

    -: We had booked a room with a sea view that wasn't what we were given,we had to complain to get the room we had booked.The shower soaked the floor each time it was used.Half of our clothes we couldn't hang up as hangers suitable for trousers were not provided and not available when we asked.The sign on the reception desk clearly states you can pay to keep your room for extra hours on the day you leave. It doesn't say if available which ours wasn't. You are directed to the shower, which is with the toilets near the reception area. This is very clean, but it doesn't have a door, so there is no privacy.One of the reception staff did not speak any English,you had to resolve your query yourself or wait till someone was on duty who spoke English. We coped, but what if the problem was urgent.This hotel is predominately all inclusive nowhere on booking .com website does it say this. We would not have booked this hotel had we known this.

    Очень хорошо
    Marie Отдых 16.09.2023

    +: The beach was just outside. Breakfast was delicious. Many restaurants were walking distance with delicious food.

    -: The fact that we had to give them 20e cash to get a beach towel. it was reimbursed when we returned it but why not just put it on the room charge and reverse it when towels are returned? it made no sense to me.

    Evelina Отдых 18.08.2023

    +: The service at this hotel was truly incredible! Every person we interacted with was exceptionally friendly and helpful. Our room was upgraded to a stunning suite, and even though our stay was just for one night, I couldn't help but wish I could live there permanently!

    Spyros Отдых 11.08.2023

    +: Amazing breakfast during the sunrise. Idyllic location by the sea to have breakfast and enjoy the 'Greek vibe'. Private beach of the hotel is great with quality sunbeds and gazebos. The staff is very polite, kudos to 'Kiria Katerina' who was willing to accommodate all the requests made by me. I saw that this was the case with all clients. Rooms were as good as new, comfortable and clean. All bedsheets and towels were changed on a daily basis. Food was good although some more variety would be appreciated. All in all I am super happy with my choice, this is a great hotel and staff that deserves my top rating.

    -: A couple of more tables during lunch time as it can get a bit crowded.

    Kamel Отдых 23.06.2023

    +: En face de la plage. La gentillesse du réceptionniste qui s'est donné du mal pour nous trouver une chambre plus agréable.

    -: Certaines chambres n'ont qu'une toute petite fenêtre, faut pas être claustrophobe.. L'espace exterieur pour le petit déjeuner réduit.. Pas assez de place.

    Gianfranco Отдых 16.06.2023

    +: Ottima colazione a buffet. Posizione molto bella vicinissima al mare. Camera piacevole, ma mancante di alcuni accessori.

    -: Assenza di personale che porti i bagagli in un Hotel pieno di scale e senza ascensore. La posizione del balcone proprio sopra la zona pranzo. L'assenza di idonei appendiabiti (pantaloni e altro tenuti in valigia). Impossibilità assoluta di appoggiare asciugamani in bagno e doccia funzionante a metà (solo col "telefono"). Cassaforte a pagamento.

    Очень хорошо
    Аноним Отдых 02.06.2023

    +: was amazing

    -: nothing

    Steffi Отдых 19.05.2023

    +: Wir hatten ein sehr schönes Zimmer mit direktem Meerblick, Frühstück reichhaltig und sehr freundliche Angestellte. Die Liegen direkt gegenüber am Strand sind äußerst gemütlich und es gibt einen Barservice am Strand.

    -: Es gibt einige Zimmer im Souterrain mit kleinen Fenstern, da sollte man bei der Buchung achtgeben. Es gibt keinen Aufzug und wenig Handläufe in die oberen Etagen.Frühstück und Essen sind nur im Freien unter Sonnenmarkisen möglich. Bei Wind und Regen gibt es keine Ausweichmöglichkeit.

    Очень хорошо
    Liliana Отдых 15.05.2023

    -: Chambre très humide et très mal isolée L’électricité sautait à chaque fois que nous mettions la carte


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    Отель Mare Blue Suites находится в Греция, Ханья.

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