Tours and prices for holidays at the hotel Comodoro (Cubanacan) 4* 2024-2025 Cuba, Havana

Cuba, Havana

Comodoro (Cubanacan) 4* Price calendar 2 tourists

Hotel info
Comodoro (Cubanacan) 4*

Hotel location
Comodoro (Cubanacan) 4*

* - Information about the services is taken from the official site of the hotel and from the sites of tour operators. Farvater is not responsible for the complete reliability of the information provided and the changes that the hotel may introduce.

Hotel Amenities

    Comodoro (Cubanacan) 4*, reviews 1

    Alexander Rest 01.01.2017
    В номере были тараканы! На чистой застеленной кровати были чужие волосы, пол у бассейна не моют вообще.Большой номер соответствует описанию, неплохой завтрак. Хотя если в номерах на 4 этаже у них тараканы, страшно подумать, что творится на кухне

    Popular questions about the hotel Comodoro (Cubanacan)

    On the site you can find 3 reviews for the hotel COMODORO (Cubanacan). The average rating of the hotel according to reviews - 6,6
    There is no information about services COMODORO (Cubanacan) on our site
    Hotel COMODORO (Cubanacan) is located in Cuba, Havana.

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