Tours and prices for holidays at the hotel Riu Naiboa 4* 2024-2025 Dominican Republic, Punta Cana

Dominican Republic, Punta Cana

Hotel info
Riu Naiboa 4*

Hotel location
Riu Naiboa 4*

* - Information about the services is taken from the official site of the hotel and from the sites of tour operators. Farvater is not responsible for the complete reliability of the information provided and the changes that the hotel may introduce.

Hotel Amenities

    Riu Naiboa 4*, reviews 500

    Lourens Rest 09.01.2024

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    Very good
    Andrea Rest 08.01.2024

    +: La atención todo perfecto

    -: La comida talvez variarlas un poco más y el horario

    Khadija Rest 28.12.2023

    +: Beautiful, scenic. The beach is stunning. Choices of restaurants. Beach gets the best sun till midday, and then the pool area gets the best from then till sunset

    -: Waves are high so not for a chill swim. Music in the night club was not good and did not change genres. You have to put a card on your bed so that house keeping will change your bed sheets. New sheets are sometimes marked and stained. It’s not the end of the world, just something to be aware of. The staff are lovely and it’s a very easy going and accommodating environment. Only 2 devices can be logged into the WiFi at one time per person.

    Very good
    Carvalho Rest 21.12.2023

    +: Nota 1000 para ó Risort, toda equipe muito educada e prestativos, a comida muito boa e com muitas variedades, quarto grande e limpo, as piscinas são maravilhosas

    Maria Rest 13.12.2023

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    Berroa Rest 09.12.2023

    +: Todo chulo

    -: Un poco confuso no tiene tanta señalización para llegar a donde quieres ir especialmente las habitaciones

    Emanuel Rest 08.12.2023

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    Michael Rest 22.11.2023

    +: El hotel es hermoso las instalaciones, las habitaciones piscina, comida, habitaciones, personal es muy completo.

    -: El hotel es muy completo no tengo queja alguna.

    Nora Rest 14.11.2023

    +: Perfecto

    -: No, todo excelente

    Paula Rest 11.11.2023

    There are no comments available for this review


    Popular questions about the hotel Riu Naiboa

    On the site you can find 153 reviews for the hotel Riu Naiboa. The average rating of the hotel according to reviews - 9,2
    There is no information about services Riu Naiboa on our site
    Hotel Riu Naiboa is located in Dominican Republic, Punta Cana.

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