Tours and prices for holidays at the hotel Riu Republica (Adults only) 5* 2024-2025 Dominican Republic, Punta Cana

Dominican Republic, Punta Cana

Riu Republica (Adults only) 5* Price calendar 2 tourists

Hotel info
Riu Republica (Adults only) 5*

Hotel location
Riu Republica (Adults only) 5*

* - Information about the services is taken from the official site of the hotel and from the sites of tour operators. Farvater is not responsible for the complete reliability of the information provided and the changes that the hotel may introduce.

Hotel Amenities

    Riu Republica (Adults only) 5*, reviews 919

    Donna Rest 04.04.2024

    There are no comments available for this review

    Aponte Rest 03.04.2024

    +: La comida excelente

    -: Las almohadas

    Very good
    Jhamilin Rest 03.04.2024

    +: El alojamiento no vale la pena , Elsa camas son incómodas, y tienen un olor insoportable. La comida es de mala calidad y los salones de comer están sucio. Una total decepción

    Jorge Rest 03.04.2024

    +: The food is good, though it can feel repetitive after a few days. Great facilities, good service (if a bit inconsistent), and good support via the Riu app. Lots of things to do, and abundant food and drinks.

    -: The drink selection is pretty good, but a bit lacking. Some of the ingredients are mediocre quality. I would have expected something better. Especially for a tropical destination it is very disappointing to see how cocktails are prepared.

    Javier Rest 02.04.2024

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    Encarnacion Rest 02.04.2024

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    Very good
    Ulloa Rest 02.04.2024

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    Andrea Rest 01.04.2024

    There are no comments available for this review

    Andre Rest 01.04.2024

    There are no comments available for this review

    Saul Rest 01.04.2024

    There are no comments available for this review

    Very good

    Popular questions about the hotel Riu Republica (Adults only)

    On the site you can find 109 reviews for the hotel Riu Republica (Adults only). The average rating of the hotel according to reviews - 9,2
    There is no information about services Riu Republica (Adults only) on our site
    Hotel Riu Republica (Adults only) is located in Dominican Republic, Punta Cana.

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