Tours and prices for holidays at the hotel Thalassa Sousse 4* 2024-2025 Tunisia, Sousse

Tunisia, Sousse

Thalassa Sousse 4* Price calendar 2 tourists

Hotel info
Thalassa Sousse 4*

The all-inclusive Thalassa Sousse resort & aquapark Family and couple only hotel is on the edge of a beautiful beach. The hotel has a modern design style. The rooms are spacious, comfortable and have air conditioning, a telephone, a hairdryer and a balcony or a terrace. Thalassa Sousse resort & aquapark Family and couple only features 4 restaurants, 6 bars, 5 pools, a mini club, tennis court, and mini-golf. The hotel offers entertainment for adults and for children, a center of balneotherapy and a meeting room for 10 to 100 people. Thalassa Sousse resort & aquapark Family and couple only is surrounded by vast green gardens of 35 acres. The hotel is 10 miles from Monastir airport, 2.5 miles from the Medina of Sousse and 4 miles from El Kantaoui port.

Hotel location
Thalassa Sousse 4*

* - Information about the services is taken from the official site of the hotel and from the sites of tour operators. Farvater is not responsible for the complete reliability of the information provided and the changes that the hotel may introduce.

Hotel Amenities

    Thalassa Sousse 4*, reviews 232

    Stefan Rest 18.12.2023

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    Abderrahim Rest 18.12.2023

    +: Très bien je retournerais dans cet hôtel pour mes prochaine séjour à Thalassa Sousse.

    Pierto Rest 18.12.2023

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    Tom Rest 18.12.2023

    +: Superbe adresse pour un séjour très confortable.

    Nizar Rest 11.12.2023

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    Mario Rest 07.12.2023

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    Georges Rest 07.12.2023

    There are no comments available for this review

    Wahbi Rest 04.12.2023

    +: Hôtel très propre, excellent buffet, la chambre est spacieuse.

    Julien Rest 04.12.2023

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    Eric Rest 24.11.2023

    There are no comments available for this review


    Popular questions about the hotel Thalassa Sousse

    On the site you can find 136 reviews for the hotel Thalassa Sousse. The average rating of the hotel according to reviews - 6,8
    There is no information about services Thalassa Sousse on our site
    Hotel Thalassa Sousse is located in Tunisia, Sousse.

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