Tours and prices for holidays at the hotel Kleopatra Hermes 3* 2024-2025 Turkey, Alanya

Turkey, Alanya

Kleopatra Hermes 3* Price calendar 2 tourists

Hotel info
Kleopatra Hermes 3*

Featuring a private area at the blue flag beach 25 m away, Kleopatra Hermes Hotel is located on the Mediterranean coast. The hotel offers an outdoor pool and air-conditioned rooms.

The comfortable rooms of Kleopatra Hermes have light interiors and floor-to-ceiling windows. Each room comes with a private balcony and some of them offer stunning views of the sea.

The main restaurant has indoor and outdoor dining options. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are served as an open buffet at the restaurant. The pool bar offers a variety of alcoholic drinks and cocktails, and refreshing non-alcoholic drinks during the day.

Guests of Kleopatra Hermes Hotel can visit Alanya Archeology Museum, only 1.2 km away. Alanya city centre is within 3 km with shops and eateries. Antalya Airport is 120 km away.

Hotel location
Kleopatra Hermes 3*

* - Information about the services is taken from the official site of the hotel and from the sites of tour operators. Farvater is not responsible for the complete reliability of the information provided and the changes that the hotel may introduce.

Hotel Amenities

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    On the site you can find 57 reviews for the hotel Kleopatra Hermes. The average rating of the hotel according to reviews - 7,8
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    Hotel Kleopatra Hermes is located in Turkey, Alanya.

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