Wakacje i ceny wakacji w hotelu The Lifeco Phuket Well Being Detox Center 3* 2025-2026 Tajlandia, Phuket

Tajlandia, Phuket

The Lifeco Phuket Well Being Detox Center 3* Kalendarz cen 2 turysta

Informacja hotelowa
The Lifeco Phuket Well Being Detox Center 3*

Featuring a wide range of detox programmes, all natural therapies and treatments, The LifeCo Phuket offers accommodation where guests can enjoy a variety of physical and spiritual exercises. Located 2 km from Nai Thon Beach, the property is surrounded by lush greenery and a lake. The property boasts an outdoor yoga pavilion, five swimming pools, private pools for suites, a gym and a medical spa. There are also outdoor and indoor massage pavilions, a library and a movie room. Room types are ranging from private bungalows, deluxe rooms with lake view and suites. The LifeCo's beach bar serves raw vegan cuisine with healthy nutrition. It also provides all guests with beach towels and sun loungers. Phuket International Airport is a 10-minute drive from the property.

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Lokalizacja hotelu
The Lifeco Phuket Well Being Detox Center 3*

* - Informacje o usługach pochodzą z oficjalnej strony internetowej hotelu oraz ze stron internetowych touroperatorów. Farvater nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za całkowitą prawidłowość podanych informacji i zmian, które hotel może wprowadzić.

Udogodnienia w hotelu

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    Hotel The LifeCo Phuket Well Being Detox Center znajduje się pod adresem: Tajlandia, Phuket.

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