Wakacje i ceny wakacji w hotelu Hotel Marina Palace - 2025-2026 Tunezja, Hammamet

Tunezja, Hammamet

Informacja hotelowa
Hotel Marina Palace -

Marina Palace features an indoor and outdoor swimming pool, a fitness centre and a spa. It is located in the Yasmine Hammamet resort, just 350 metres from the beach and marina and 550 metres away from Casino la Medina. A balcony with a view is a standard facility in the simply decorated rooms at Marina Palace. Each also has a TV with satellite and cable channels and some rooms have a separate seating area. After a buffet breakfast in the large restaurant, guests can relax by the pool and browse the free Wi-Fi. In the evening, meals can be served on the garden terrace and live music is played in the hotel bar. Massages and Balneotherapy is offered at Cure et Spa and beauty treatments are also available. The hotel also has a 24-hour reception with a currency exchange and bicycle rental service. Marina offers an airport shuttle service at an additional cost and private parking is free on site.

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Lokalizacja hotelu
Hotel Marina Palace -

* - Informacje o usługach pochodzą z oficjalnej strony internetowej hotelu oraz ze stron internetowych touroperatorów. Farvater nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za całkowitą prawidłowość podanych informacji i zmian, które hotel może wprowadzić.

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    Hotel HOTEL MARINA PALACE znajduje się pod adresem: Tunezja, Hammamet.

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