+: This is my 3rd stay over 37 years. Excellent respectful staff. Unfortunately they use a terrible driving company for pickups. My driver pulled over 3 blocks from the hotel and wanted to see my airline ticket and jumped in the back seat next to me. He badgered me with personal questions and despite my carrying my own water offered me water 10 separate times. When I asked for him to be quiet, he would not stop asking personal a. I was a single woman travelling alone. When I started to shake and cry he started wreckless driving in a rainstorm. He followed 2 feet behind cars in the fast lane and was furious I would not accept his flirtation. I thought I was going to die in a car wreck. I texted my family. I called the hotel and begged that he slow down. The hotel should ensure women travelling alone never experience a driver seeking attention from a single woman. It was terrifying.
-: I hated the driving service they used.