Wakacje i ceny wakacji w hotelu Hotel Palladium 4* 2025-2026 Ukraina, Odessa

Ukraina, Odessa

Informacja hotelowa
Hotel Palladium 4*

Hotel "Palladium" is located in the seaside area of Odessa. The railway station, bus station, and the legendary Privoz Market are located within a 5-minute walk from the hotel.

From May 15, for the summer period, its own VIP beach “ITAKA” opens, which is located 10 minutes drive from the hotel, in the beach area of the city - Arcadia. There are good discounts for hotel guests. (And the citywide beaches of the city can be reached from the hotel in 5 minutes on foot)

Guests have access to: Bomb shelter, free small parking at the entrance to the hotel with video surveillance, free use of the swimming pool in the hotel spa center in the morning, free breakfasts - depending on the chosen tariff, also for all guests of the complex there is a discount on the main menu of the restaurant, Wi -Fi, heating, ventilation and air conditioning system.

Lokalizacja hotelu
Hotel Palladium 4*

* - Informacje o usługach pochodzą z oficjalnej strony internetowej hotelu oraz ze stron internetowych touroperatorów. Farvater nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za całkowitą prawidłowość podanych informacji i zmian, które hotel może wprowadzić.

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    Hotel Hotel Palladium znajduje się pod adresem: Ukraina, Odessa.

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