Tours and prices for holidays at the hotel Tamara 3* 2024-2025 Montenegro, Becici

Montenegro, Becici

Hotel info
Tamara 3*

New Villa, built in 2005 Location: Villa Tamara is located behind a complex of hotels in Becici. Types of rooms: -Standart - Suite - Apartments Description of rooms: All rooms are comfortable, with new furniture. - DBL (cat. 3 *): area 20 m2, terrace 4 m2, French bed, air conditioning, TV, fridge, shower.
- TRPL (cat. 3 *): area 25 m2, terrace 6 m2, french bed + sofa bed, air conditioning, TV, fridge, shower.
- Studio 02: 22m2, terrace 4 m2, 2 separate beds, mini-kitchen, TV, terrace.
- Studio 03: 26m2, terrace 5 m2, French bed + sofa bed, mini-kitchen.
- Room 04: area 25 m2, terrace 5 m2, 2 French beds, air conditioning, TV, fridge, shower.
- APP 05: located on the second floor, area 50 m2, two terraces 12 m2 and 4 m2, living room - sofa, can be converted into two and three people, kitchen, terrace, bathroom, TV, air conditioning, bedroom - French bed and terrace. living). Hotel infrastructure: - the villa has a large terrace that can be used by all guests. Types of food: - without power Service: - parking Beach: - urban, pebble 250 m from the villa across the road

Hotel location
Tamara 3*

* - Information about the services is taken from the official site of the hotel and from the sites of tour operators. Farvater is not responsible for the complete reliability of the information provided and the changes that the hotel may introduce.

Hotel Amenities

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    On the site you can find 10 reviews for the hotel Tamara. The average rating of the hotel according to reviews - 8,8
    There is no information about services Tamara on our site
    Hotel Tamara is located in Montenegro, Becici.

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